Project Overview
As part of the Play DC comprehensive Parks and Recreation 10-15 year Master Plan for the District of Columbia, the current play space at Trinidad Recreation Center will be renovated to enhance the park's resources to help Washingtonians "Move, Grow, and Be Green!" To ensure that the newly renovated play space meets the needs of, and reflects the individuality and uniqueness of the community, DGS strongly urges District residents to participate in the community meetings. This project includes, new playgrounds, rain gardens, landscaping and ADA ramp.
Project Details
Trinidad Play DC Playground Project
Location: 1310 Childress Street, NE
Ward: 5
Start Date: July 2014
End Date: November 2014
DGS Project Manager: Shahrokh Ghahramani
General Contractor: Bennett/Paschen Joint Venture
General Contractor: Bennett/Paschen Joint Venture
Architect: LSG Landscape Architects
Budget: $1,500,000
Status: Complete
Construction Agency: DGS
DGS Contact: Jackie Stanley
Note: More information will be posted as it becomes available.