As the District’s implementation agency for all District owned and managed facilities, DGS relies heavily on our partnership with our client agencies to report and prioritize all facilities-related maintenance requests. In collaboration with our client agencies, all work orders are immediately placed under client-agency prioritization review, after DGS’ internal review. Work that has been prioritized will be assessed, scheduled, and completed as soon as possible, contingent upon resources, workforce capacity, and weather.
The Facilities Maintenance Division (FMD) provides a ‘Menu of Services’ that includes nearly 50 universal and property-specific services. Universal refers to services that are provided at all locations in the DGS real estate portfolio. Property specific services are unique to each facility such as athletic field maintenance or appliance issues. DGS’ FMD provides services at each location to implement and execute the following:
- Implement industry standards and preserve, to the best ability, the life expectancy of mechanical equipment and the structural integrity of District-owned properties.
- Maintain the DGS Internal Work Order Management System for all client agencies to report property maintenance and repair-related issues and requests for services.
- Provide the most cost-efficient services to customers by designing and implementing a comprehensive management program.
The Facilities Management Division’s Menu of Property Services is categorized in seven (7) Problem Types and 48 sub-problem types.
Electrical Services
- Lighting Issue
- Lighting Issue
- Switch Issue
- Outlet Issue
- Power Issue
Environmental Services
- Pest Control Issue
- Environmental Issue
- Odor Issue
Exterior Services
- Athletic Field Issue
- Playground Issue
- Parking Lot Issue
- Roof Issue
- Landscaping Issue
- Fence and Gate Issue
- Graffiti Issue
- Grounds Issue
- Masonry Issue
- Railing and Step Issue
- Exterior Paint
- Window Issue
- Sidewalks Issue
HVAC Services
- Cooling Issue
- Filter Changes
- Heating Issue
- Inspections
- Regular Preventive Maintenance
Interior Services
- Fire Sprinkler Issue
- Fire Alarm Issue
- Fire Extinguisher
- Janitorial Issue
- Elevator/Escalator Issue
- Ceiling Issue
- Lock and Door Issue
- Flooring
- Interior Painting
- Structural Issue
Plumbing Services
- Drinking Water Filter Issue
- Leak Issues
- Pipe Issues
- Toilet Issue
- Faucet Issue
- Water Fountain Issue
- Drain issue
- Hot Water Issue
- Pump Issue
Other Services
- Indoor Vehicle Bay Exhaust System Issue
- Press Address (PA) and Clock System Issue
- Electronic Security Issue
- Generator Issue
- Overhead Door/ Mechanical Fence Issue
- Pool and Spray Park Issue
Facilities Management Division (FMD) Prioritization Guidelines
As an implementation agency for the District, DGS works with its client and partner agencies to prioritize work orders. DGS has an average of 45-60 days to complete repairs, contingent upon resources, weather and manpower The purpose of the DGS Prioritization Guidelines is to provide equity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the repair services provided by FMD. All work requests will be prioritized by Facilities according to the nature of the problem.
When a work request is received, it is assigned to one of three (3) priority levels. Within each priority level, work is assigned primarily on a first-in- first-out basis, subject to coordination of work and availability of resources.
As requests are received, they will be scheduled according to the following priorities:
EMERGENCY REPAIR: Emergencies are situations which pose an immediate threat to building operations. Emergencies are handled immediately via call-out to responsible managers.
HIGH PRIORITY REPAIR: a maintenance issue that requires expedited attention because it poses a potential risk to building or programmatic operations.
ROUTINE REPAIR:Typical building repairs that will not significantly impact operations. May include aesthetic issues or landscaping issues.
DGS is committed to providing residents with safe, dynamic, and accessible recreational spaces, which include our playgrounds, green spaces. DGS takes its responsibility for the maintenance and repair of District-owned properties across the city very seriously. DGS will continue to work with its client agencies, partners and the community to ensure District facilities are well maintained.
Related Information
- DGS Integrated Pest Management
- DGS Grounds Maintenance Service Request
- DGS Spring-Summer Readiness Operations