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Department of General Services

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Campaign Finance Reform Amendment Act Compliance

This notice is to inform all vendors who have or are seeking contracts with the District of Columbia (District) that the Campaign Finance Reform Amendment Act of 2018 (CFRAA) (D.C. Law 22-250; D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.03 et seq) went into effect on November 9, 2022. The law prohibits District contractors that are seeking or that hold contracts with a cumulative value of over $250,000 from making certain political contributions to candidates for elected office.

Please be aware that any donations made after November 9, 2022 to candidates for Mayor, Attorney General, or Council, as well as any political committee or constituent-service program thereto, may impact your eligibility to contract with the District.

The District will be providing more detailed guidance on compliance with CFRAA in the coming weeks. In the interim, vendors that have or may be seeking District contracts are strongly encouraged to review the law and its requirements via the following link:

Database of Portfolio Management Division Contracts under CFRAA