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Park View Recreation Center Modernization Project

Project Description:

The Park View Recreation Center, which was originally built in 1976, is no longer using the site as efficiently as it could based on today's needs. This site is heavily used throughout the day, including the playground, historic field house, the field and other park amenities. By renovating or building a new recreation center, DPR will be able to better program the space for the community.

Project Details:

Address: 693 Otis Place NW
Ward: Ward 1
DGS Project Manager: Mike Etherton
DPR Project Manager: Peter Nohrden
Project Delivery: Design/Build
Project Status: Scope of Work Development
Landscape Architect: TBD
Contractor: TBD
Current Budget: $14.5m
Start Date: TBD
End Date: TBD
DGS Contact: Brittany Hughes

Meeting Information: