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Bancroft Elementary School Project

Project Overview

The Bancroft campus located at 1755 Newton Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010, consists of five adjoining buildings totaling approximately 94,000 square feet of space. The original building was constructed in 1923, with additions constructed in 1932, 1938, 1961, and 1973. Although the buildings are adjoining, they consist of various misaligned levels and present a number of operational challenges.

The project at hand is intended to make the various buildings on campus more unified both operationally and administratively. To achieve this goal demolition and rebuilding of some of the buildings may be necessary. Existing buildings that are not demolished will be renovated and provided with features such as ramps and elevators that improve the lateral and vertical transport between the buildings.

Additionally the project will provide spaces in line with the program requirements set in the DCPS Educational Specifications. Accordingly besides classrooms, spaces such as Media Center, Indoor Play, Auditorium, and Art Room will be provided. The program for Bria, an associated but independent operation with a Parents' Center, will also receive a portion of the space allocation. The Electrical, Mechanical and Life Safety systems of the entire building will be upgraded to meet the current building code requirements and the Ed Specifications performance requirements.

It is anticipated that some level of swing space will be required in order to accommodate students temporarily displaced by the Project. The modernized campus will serve approximately 550 students. The Project shall be designed in such a way as to achieve, at a minimum, LEED for Schools - Gold Certification.

Project Details

Bancroft Elementary School Modernization Project
Location: 1755 Newton Street, NW
Ward: 1
Overall Project Budget: $76M 
Construction Start Date: November 2016
Completion Date: School Building & Site, July 2018
DGS Project Manager: Jennifer Battle
DCPS Project: Josh Tuch
Program Manager: DGS - Mesfin Wolde Medhin
Architect: Ayers Saint Gross and Fielding Nair International
Design Builder: Coakley Williams Construction
Status: In Building Permit Phase
DGS Contact: Jackie Stanley
Bancroft Elementary School Community Meeting 

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