Project Overview
Addison Elementary School, adjacent to Hyde Elementary School, is located at 3246 P Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007 and was fully modernized in 2008 and became part of the new Hyde-Addison elementary school complex, a shared campus with entrances on O and P Streets, NW.
The Hyde building received a Phase 1 modernization during the summer of 2014. This project involves the construction of an addition to Hyde Elementary that will consist of approximately 30,100 square feet of additional space. The addition will house additional classrooms, a new cafeteria, a gymnasium, media center, music classrooms and new administrative spaces.
The site work will be directed at conserving the existing parking availability, providing new playground areas and circulation management. Due to the historic significance of the school and surrounding neighborhood, this project requires presentation of the proposed design to the Old Georgetown Board (OGB), the Commission on Fine Arts (CFA), and State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO).
Project Details
DCPS Program: Patrick Davis/Toussaint Webster
For up to date SIT meeting and project updates please visit DCPS’ Modernization page