Project Overview:
Revitalization of the SW Duck Pond Park to include: ADA upgrades, renovations to the pond, plumbing, fountains, pond lighting, and controls, masonry repairs, new duck habitat island, play elements and various site and landscaping improvements.
Project Details:
Project Name: SW Duck Pond
Address: 500, I Street, SW
Ward: 6
DPR Project Manager: Peter Nohrden
DGS Project Manager: Lisa Dixon
Project Status: Design Development
Project Delivery: Design Build
Architect: AMT Inc. & Aquatic Design Group
General Contractor: Bennett Group
Current Budget: $1.1 million
Start Date: Fall 2020
End Date: Winter 2020/2021
DGS Contact: Wayne Gore
SW Duckpond will be closed for Renovations-September 22, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021