Project Description
Abatement services will be used to remove asbestos and lead-based paint within the existing greenhouse and storage shed structures. Items that were found to be contaminated will be replaced and contaminated surfaces will be re-painted. Renovations for Twin Oaks will also take place – this includes upgrades to the heating system, vents and installation of a new shade cloth system for cooling the greenhouse, new grow lights will be also be installed. Upgrades to electrical wiring within the greenhouse will also occur in order to bring it up to current codes and regulations.
Project Details:
Project Address: 4025 14th St, NW
Project Ward: 4
Project Budget: $ 70,000
DGS Project Manager: Haniska Prinston
DPR Project Manager: Josh Singer
Architect: Studio 27
General Contractor: Federal Contractors
Project Start Date: Summer 2017
Project Completion Date: Spring 2018
Status: Design
DGS Contact: Wayne Gore