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DCAM-17-AE-0104 - Architectural Engineering Services Franklin Park

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The District of Columbia Department of General Services (DGS or Department) is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to engage a design firm to serve as the architect/engineer (the Architect) for the renovation of Franklin Park (the Project). Franklin Park is a historic urban park that occupies an entire city block of 4.79 acres in downtown Washington, D.C. It is bordered by K Street on the north, 13th Street on the east, I Street on the south, and 14th Street on the west. The park is located in the heart of downtown and lies within the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID). The Department has been charged with implementing the improvements to the park, but is working collaboratively with the BID and the National Park Service (NPS) as the site constitutes NPS land. It is contemplated that the BID will operate the park once the Project is completed as part of a public-private partnership. NPS and other stakeholders previously commissioned a Master Plan and Conceptual Design for the park, a copy of which is included in the RFP. The concept design was presented to the Commission of Fine Arts in July of 2015 and received generally favorable comments. NPS has already conducted an environmental assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and a finding of no significant impact was obtained. In general, the Project includes extensive landscape rehabilitation, the creation of a new fountain in the center of the park, a playground located on the north east portion of the site, walkways, a community space on the western portion of the site, and a cafe of approximately 2, 100 square feet on the south west coner of the site.