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DCPS Recycles! 2018 Honor Roll

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

 DCPS Recycles! 2018 Honor Roll

(Washington, D.C.) – The DC Department of General Services (DGS) announced the DCPS Recycles! 2018 Honor Roll today.. DGS congratulates the 57 schools that made the list for “Recycling Right” this school year. These schools demonstrated, at a minimum, school-wide recycling of paper in classrooms and common areas, or organics and mixed recyclables in cafeterias and kitchens.

Twenty-seven of these schools are honored with distinction for consistent school wide paper recycling in addition to recycling organics, cardboard, and mixed recyclables in their cafeterias and kitchen.

This follows the announcement honoring schools for “Reducing First” by participating in DGS’ DC Reduce First! Challenge: Plastic Edition. This challenge promoted reducing plastic waste in schools, which aligned with this year’s official Earth Day theme of eliminating plastic pollution.

“Establishing model school recycling programs throughout the city is imperative for a Zero Waste DC,” says DGS Director Greer Johnson Gillis. “The DCPS Recycles! Honor Roll provides schools a benchmark by which to measure their own success, and brings us closer to a truly greener, cleaner, and Sustainable DC.”

During Earth Month this year, Mann Elementary School (Ward 3) was selected as the DCPS Recycles! Honor Roll 2018 success story for embodying the spirit that “every day is Earth Day” when it comes to recycling.

“Recycling can be the cornerstone of any solid sustainability initiative. Green state-of-the-art facilities like Mann Elementary embody the DGS mission, and use recycling to educate and empower their entire school community,” said Zach Dobelbower, DGS Associate Director for Sustainability.

Schools across all eight wards of the city made the 2018 Honor Roll, and can be spotted on the newly updated DCPS Recycles! interactive maps!

Mann Elementary School (Ward 3), Burroughs Elementary School (Ward 5), and C.W. Harris Elementary School (Ward 7) shine as gold stars for accepting the designation as “DCPS Recycles! Ambassador Schools. These schools have been honored as a DCPS Recycles! Success Story of the year and are willing to host other schools for best practice sharing visits.

These seventeen schools showed continuing excellence by making the Honor Roll with Distinction for a third year in a row: Bancroft Elementary School @ Sharpe (Ward 1), C.W. Harris Elementary School (Ward 7), Deal Middle School (Ward 3), Garfield Elementary School (Ward 8), HD Cooke Elementary School (Ward 1), Hearst Elementary School (Ward 3), Ketcham Elementary School (Ward 8),

Key Elementary School (Ward 3), Mann Elementary School (Ward 3), Maury Elementary School (Ward 6), Orr Elementary School (Ward 8), Powell Elementary School (Ward 4), School Without Walls @ Francis Stevens (Ward 2), School-Within -School at Goding (Ward 6), Stoddert Elementary School (Ward 3), Thomson Elementary School (Ward 2), and Van Ness Elementary School (Ward 6).

Every newly-modernized school that DGS re-opened in fall made the Honor Roll with Distinction for the first time: Duke Ellington School of the Arts (Ward 2), Garrison Elementary School (Ward 2), Marie Reed Elementary School (Ward 1), and Watkins Elementary School (Ward 6). Duke Ellington School of the Arts (Ward 2) became only the second high school to make the Honor Roll with Distinction (Cardozo Education Campus was the first, and achieved Honor Roll with Distinction in 2017).

Other schools on the Honor Roll for the first time include: Peabody ES (Ward 6), Brent Elementary School (Ward 6) and Browne Education Campus (Ward 5).

 Did your school make this year’s Honor Roll? Check out the DCPS Recycles! 2018 Honorees list today!


Mann Elementary School

Burroughs Elementary School

C.W. Harris Elementary School

Van Ness Elementary School

Bancroft Elementary School

Cardozo Education Campus

Deal Middle School

Duke Ellington School of the Arts

Garfield Elementary School

Garrison Elementary School

H.D. Cooke Elementary School

Hearst Elementary School

Janney Elementary School

Ketcham Elementary School

Key Elementary School

Langdon Elementary School

Marie Reed Elementary School

Maury Elementary School

Moten Elementary School

Orr Elementary School

Peabody Elementary School

Powell Elementary School

School Without Walls at Francis-Stevens

School-Within-School at Goding

Stoddert Elementary School

Thomson Elementary School

Watkins Elementary School

HONOR ROLL (30 schools)

Aiton Elementary School

Ballou High School

Benjamin Banneker High School

Brent Elementary School

Browne Education Campus

Bruce-Monroe Elementary School

Burrville Elementary School

Capitol Hill Montessori School @ Logan

Columbia Heights Education Campus

Dorothy I. Height Elementary School

Drew Elementary School

Dunbar High School

Eastern High School

J.O. Wilson Elementary School

Lafayette Elementary School

Malcolm X Elementary School @ Green

McKinley Middle School

McKinley Technology High School

Nalle Elementary School

Randle Highlands Elementary School

River Terrace Education Campus

Ron Brown College Preparatory High School

Roosevelt High School

Roosevelt STAY High School

Ross Elementary School

Seaton Elementary School

Truesdell Education Campus

Tubman Elementary School

Wheatley Education Campus

Woodrow Wilson High School