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Sole Source Procurement - MPD Blue Plains Impound Lot Project AE Services

Last Date:

Due Date: 
Monday, August 23, 2021 - 2:00pm


The Department of General Services (the “Department” or “DGS”) on behalf of, the Metropolitan Police Department (“MPD”), executed Contract No. DCAM-18-AE-0096 (the “Contract”) with Bell Architect on June 7, 2019 for MPD Blue Plains Impound Lot Project.

However, the construction never started due to funding, during that time the Architect or the A/E’s Contract had ended and permit process was not complete. The Department is working to reengage the General Contractor bid so they can complete work. The underlying Contract No. DCAM-18-AE-0096, included, November 30, 2020 (“Substantial completion Date”), December 30, 2020 (“Final Completion Date) and January 30, 2020 (“Administrative Term Date”) which are already expired.

The Department would like to issue the Contract again to Bell Architect on a sole source basis due to contract expiration to complete the Project in accordance to the same Scope of Work, the Drawings and Specifications at MPD Blue Plains Impound Lot, located at 5000 Shepherd Parkway, SW (the "Project"). The Contract price ($54,067.86), will remain unchanged.

Obi Ranjbar