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Archive Building - Design & Construction

Project Description:

The Office of Public Records (OPR) is a division under the District of Columbia’s Office of the Secretary. OPR currently operates an Archives and Records Center facility at Naylor Court. This facility is supplemented by other city and Federal facilities to store public records. The Naylor Court facility has reached its storage capacity and its physical and mechanical deficiencies make it inadequate for the long-term preservation of the city’s archival records. After feasibility study of various site in the District, UDC building #41 was selected as the suitable location. The major program spaces required for the new stand-alone Archives building include Reception, Research, Exhibits, Archival Storage, Records Center Storage, Processing, Records Receiving, Meeting areas, and Staff Work Areas. Preliminary square footages based on best practices, knowledge of similar archival facilities, and review of peer institutions were reviewed with OPR and have been updated to reflect input from the DC Secretary and the OPR’s current Administrator/DC State Archivist. The programming report expands on the composition, function, and characteristics of these spaces and recommends a total of 121,700 gross square feet of space for OPR’s facility.

Project Details:

Project Address:  515 D Street, NW
Project Ward: 3
Project Budget: TBD  
DGS Project Manager: Solomon Ikotun
Architect: Hartman-Cox Architects, LLP
General Contractor: TBD
Project Start Date: Spring 2022
Project Completion Date: Spring 2026
Project Status: Design
Project Delivery: TBD
DGS Contact: Brittany Hughes