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Cobb Park Renovation

Cobb Park Image

Project Description:

Cobb Park is located above the I-395S freeway and was established over 40 years ago during the construction of the highway. Over time, the park has undergone some changes, including serving as a staging area for the Capitol Crossing development project in recent years. However, with the completion of the project, Cobb Park has now been restored to its original condition.

The renovation project of Cobb Park is a vital infrastructure improvement aimed at enhancing the park space. The perimeter of the park will feature new trees and landscaped areas to serve as a buffer from the streets surrounding the park. Additionally, the project includes new walking paths, sitting areas, fencing, lighting, water fountains, playable art structures, and a sculpture/shade structure with seating areas, which have been generously donated by a community member.

Project Details:

Address: 2nd and H Street, NW
Ward: 6
DPR Project Manager: Shayda Musavi
DGS Project Manager: Jeff Robinson
Project Status: Design/Permitting
Project Delivery: Design Build
Design Builder: The Bennett Group  
General Contractor: The Bennett Group  
Current Budget: $2M
Start Date: Fall 2024
End Date: Summer 2025
DGS Contact: Brittany Hughes


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