The DCPS Recycles! program is designed to fulfill legal requirements; improve building operations; reduce waste of money and natural resources; achieve the SustainableDC target of zero waste by 2032; and teach DCPS students values and skills for a sustainable 21st century. The goal is to sort all waste properly so as much as possible can be composted or recycled instead of sent to a landfill or incinerator!
Program Overview
To achieve compliance with DC Municipal Regulations and the Healthy Schools Act, all DCPS schools are expected to sort and collect paper recyclables, mixed recyclables, and non-recyclable trash in accordance with the city-wide hauling contract managed by DGS. In schools that voluntarily opt-in, schools also sort organics (food scraps and soiled paper).
Everyone is expected to participate. All staff and students are to sort waste into bins according to labels and instructions provided.
Teachers are responsible for ensuring blue classroom bins are used for PAPER ONLY.
Custodial staff is responsible for collection. Custodial staff is NOT responsible for sorting. If one person puts trash in a recycling bin, everything in it becomes trash.
Anyone can advocate! Ask your principal who is the delegated administrator responsible for your school’s recycling program.
Classrooms and offices should each have a bin for collecting PAPER ONLY.Common Review the DCPS Recycles! Waste Management Procedures Manual to Set up and use your recycling supplies.
How is DCPS Recycles Doing?
Explore our DCPS Recycles! Interactive Maps to see which schools are recycling.The maps show that many schools across all eight wards are successfully recycling - and that many schools are not.Select a school on the map to learn more about its participation in the DCPS Recycles program.
See DCPS Recycles! Honorees from past and present.
Read DCPS Recycles! Honor Roll success stories. These Schools are featured as ambassador schools on the map!
More Resources:
- For Teachers
- For Custodial and Operations Staffers
- For Principals and Administrators
- For Construction and Design Teams
- Visit DGS Sustainability & Energy on Twitter!
- DCPS Recycles! Photos
Related Information:
- DGS Healthy Schools
- Share Tables: Guidance for DC Schools
- DCPS Recycles! Interactive Maps
- DCPS Recycles! - How-To Guide for Recycling at Events in DCPS Buildings
- DCPS Recycles! Waste Datasheet
- DCPS Recycles! - Posters and Labels
- DCPS Recycles! - Acceptable Materials List
- DCPS Recycles! Leadership Responsibilities Checklist
- DCPS Recycles - Waste Management Procedures for DCPS Schools 2017-2018
- Organics Recycling Program
- 5 Steps to Recycle Right