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Completed Municipal Facility Projects

The new building is double LEED Platinum certified (Core Building and Interiors) and includes a ground floor public gallery showcasing the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities art collection.
The space is being designed utilizing the District’s Design Guidelines that will allow for more efficient use of interior tenant spaces while creating a 2nd floor Service Center.
Site demolition razed the property and cleared the site for future construction.
Americans with Disabilities Act RenovationsAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Shelter Renovations
This project encompasses ADA compliance surveys, design, building renovation and signage at various District facilities.
The Consolidated Forensic Laboratory (CFL) is a 287,000-square-foot new building, consolidating the city’s public safety forensic science and public health efforts into a single world-class, state-of-the-art facility.
DC Armory RenovationDC Armory
The work at the DC Armory focused on making repairs to the interior and exterior of the building, modernization of the elevators, limestone facade and locker room areas.
Located at 55 M Street, SE, DRES negotiated 150,000 sq-ft of office space for the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).
These projects include the renovation of numerous aspects of the District’s jail. They range from mechanical and electrical upgrades, security and life safety upgrades, to reconfigurations and expansions.
A new center built at DC Jail to streamline inmate processing. Officially renamed  in honor of DOC's late Deputy Director Carolyn A. Cross.
DC Evidence WarehouseEvidence Warehouse
The new evidence warehouse integrates best practices for property and evidence storage and uses technology to create a state-of-the-art facility.
Homeless Shelter Homeless Shelters Renovations
This project includes the renovation of numerous District shelters.
OAH OfficeOffice of Administrative Hearings Build-Out
This project involved the interior renovation of 35,000 square feet of office space for the Office of Administrative Hearings.
This project involved renovating the interior space for OAG on the 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th floors of One Judiciary Square, as well as the consolidation of staff from various floors.
Conversion and renovation of the former BET HQ/Studios into the new state-of-the-art OCT facility.
Minnesota-Benning Government CenterMinnesota-Benning Government Center
This new facility houses the Department of Employment Services headquarters.
DGS completed a $7.5 million (Federal Stimulus Dollars) Energy Retrofit Project to reduce the energy consumption of one of the District's busiest office buildings.
Reeves CenterReeves Center
This project renovated the Reeves Municipal Center for various District agencies.
645 H Street, NE
The renovated Chapel at St. Elizabeths East will serve as a flex meeting and tech spacec for the community.
P.R. Harris Education Center SchoolSchool Repurposing Program
The large gym at PR Harris was selected to house the Fire & Emergency Medical Services (FEMS) Candidate Physical Agility Testing Center (CPAT). This facility now enables FEMS to test and train new recruits, as well as provide rehabilitation programs for employees on disability leave.
Skyland Shopping CenterSkyland Shopping Center - Phase I
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development lead the efforts of the Skyland Project.
St. Elizabeth's Gateway PavilionSt. Elizabeth East Gateway Pavilion - Phase I
The Gateway Pavilion is an innovative, flexible, and unique structure designed to serve a wide range of interim uses and allow neighborhood residents and others to experience St Elizabeth's East before redevelopment is complete.
Ward One Senior Wellness CenterWard One Senior Wellness Center
The Ward One Senior Wellness Center is a 15,000 sq-ft  structure providing numerous services for District seniors.


DPW Salt Storage FacilityDepartment of Public Works Salt Storage Facility (Ward 8)
This new 7,500 tons cacapity Salt Storage Facility will replace the existing DPW Salt Dome. 


Department of Corrections Officer Dining Room Renovation (Ward 7)
Renovation of 2,138 square feet of space at the D.C. Jail. Project includes new flooring, ceiling, furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

The modernization of Engine Company 14 provides an opportunity to create a new and more prominent image for a public neighborhood facility.
DGS on behalf of FEMS is overseeing the design and construction of new fire station for Engine Company 22.
DGS on behalf of FEMS is overseeing the design and construction of a modernized fire station for Engine Company 16.
Madison Shelter, located at 651 10th Street, NE, is slated for exterior renovation of its historic facade, installation of low-impact development (LID) stormwater management infrastructure and landscaping, comprehensive site landscaping, and streetscaping and new site fencing. 
Lincoln Theater Roof Replacement Project  (Ward 1)
This project scope includes the replacement of the roof and building envelope restoration.
John A. Wilson Building Exterior Restoration Project (Ward 2)
This Project is to address the persistent moisture penetration in the Building. This includes the Horizontal - Phase 1 (roofs and roof components) and Vertical - Phase 2 (Masonry/Stone walls and fenestration/windows).

DHS/DOEE Tenant Improvement Project (Ward 4)
The project scope includes the renovation of the floor office space to include new furniture and IT upgrades.

OSSE 5th St Bus Depot Roof Replacement Project (Ward 5)
This project scope includes the replacement of the roof. 

DCPL - Deanwood Kiosk Demolition (Ward 7)
The project scope includes demolishing and removing the existing library kiosk structure. 

DMV Kenilworth Avenue Service Station Project (Ward 7)
The project includes the tenant fit-out of two hearing rooms, waiting area, reception desk and circulation space for the DMV Service Center.

Northeast Heights Development Project (New DGS Headquarters) (Ward 7)
On September 5, 2019, Mayor Bowser signed a Mayor’s Order directing the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) and DGS, to first identify potential relocation properties in Wards 7 and 8 neighborhoods, when considering office space for District government agencies.

Office of the Inspector General - Tenant Improvement Project (Ward 6)
The project scope includes the interior renovation and alteration of the 10, 11, & 12 floors - including FF&E and IT upgrades.

Eastern Market HVAC Upgrade (Ward 6)
The project scope includes replacing all 7-module Chiller systems with the new 3-40 Ton Capacity Chillers System, including upgrading the BIM system and other associated work to the HVAC system. 

DACL Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center Roof Replacement Project (Ward 8)
This project scope includes the replacement of the roof.

DDOT W Street Yard Project (Ward 5)

A design-build project which allows DDOT to streamline operations through removal of several outdated modular units and replaces them with a singular structure possessing a smaller footprint.

HSEMA Tenant Interior Project (Ward 6)
This project is to build out the entire 10th floor of the facility.

Marion S Barry Building Restrooms Modernization Project (Ward 2) 
The project scope includes the modernization of 5 sets (five male and five female) restrooms on various floors throughout the building.  

DC Health (New Headquarters) (Ward 8)
The project scope includes the new construction of the Agency's new headquarters.

DBH - DC Stabilization and Sobering Center (Ward 6)
Renovation for an existing 24,000 GSF facility that will house DBH's DC Stabilization and Sobering Center. 

DPW Ft. Totten Solid Waste Transfer Station Project (Ward 5)
The project scope includes the construction of the Tipping Floor, Administrative Building Modernization, Stormwater Best Management Practice, and the Construction of the Residential Drop-off Ramp to ensure compliance.  

Saint Elizabeth's Hospital Mechanical Systems Upgrade (Ward 8)
This project scope is for the upgrade of the mechanical systems for the Saint Elizabeth's Hospital.

St. Elizabeth's Hospital - Flooring Upgrade (Phase I)  (Ward 8)
Design-Build project for the removal and replacement of existing hospital wards permanent flooring at St. Elizabeth's Hospital.

DACL Model Cities Wellness Center Expansion (Ward 5)
This project is to expand and redesign the existing building to enhance ’ the use of the existing facility for the Department of Aging and Community Living (DACL) programmatic operations and services.

DACL Model Cities Senior Wellness Center - New Addition (Ward 5)
Provide additional space (1,115 sq. Ft.) to serve as a multi-purpose space which includes a  unisex bathroom and additional parking spaces.   

DPW Fleet 1725 15th Street Roof Replacement Project (Ward 5)
This project scope includes the replacement of the roof.

Saint Elizabeth's Hospital Emergency Power System Upgrade (Ward 8)
Design-Build project for the upgrade of the emergency electrical power system for the Saint Elizabeth's Hospital.

DHCD Tenant Interiors Improvement Project (Ward 8)
This project is a Ground-up development led by the Menkiti Group, managed by DGS to improve, and redesign the DHCD Tenant Interiors space of 55,000 sq. ft.